Tips for Creating an Effective Digital Workplace

Digital technologies, including artificial intelligence and big data, are general-purpose technologies that have “a range of characteristics that are particularly well suited to deliver longer-term productivity gains and economic growth across a wide range of industries.” Compared to the previous stages of industrial development, the current restructuring of industrial production is characterized by higher instability and the rate of change.

Information and Communication Technology as a Part of Creating Effective Digital Workplace

The digital economy sets the vector along which socio-economic systems of micro, macro levels will develop in the long term, which necessitates research and comprehensive analysis of digital transformation processes. Previously a priority for individual innovative companies, today digital transformation has become a massive phenomenon, and related projects are vital for the success not only of individual companies but also of regions and countries.

At the same time, this transformation itself is closely related to the trend of creation of socio-economic systems and is largely implemented on its basis. Moreover, this relationship and the mechanism for its implementation remain insufficiently studied, which necessitates the development of tools for its identification, assessment, and management. In traditional industries with high R&D intensity, such as the automotive industry, innovation cycles typically take five to seven years.

In the information and communication technology (ICT) sector, innovation processes proceed much faster – from a few weeks to several months. In the digital economy, all people employed in traditional market sectors face the challenge of moving towards more flexible and proactive approaches. This process can be quite painful for businesses as it requires a shift towards a start-up mentality with a flatter organizational hierarchy that improves communication and facilitates quick decision-making.

How to Create an Effective Digital Workplace?

If you want to create an effective workplace, follow the tips below:

the abandoned goal of the dissertation research necessitated the formulation and consistent solution of the following tasks:

  1. Develop a conceptual and terminological apparatus for the digital transformation of socio-economic systems, taking into account the trend of servicing the economy.
  2. Develop a methodological approach to the formation and development of digital platforms as technological integrators of specialized services in the digital economy.
  3. Identify and systematize the prerequisites for digital transformation, taking into account the trend.
  4. Develop an approach to the development of a system for training specialists for the digital economy, taking into account new tools of service interaction.
  5. Develop a new business model for enterprises’ activities based on the use of a digital platform and strategically focused on deepening the creation of these activities.
  6. Justify the main elements of the concept of creating a service integrator for the digital transformation of socio-economic systems on the basis of a universal digital platform and a service-oriented outsourcing model.
  7. Justify the design mechanism for the digital transformation of enterprises with the participation of a service integrator.
  8. Develop proposals for the development of the “service state” model, taking into account the prospects for the introduction of a unified digital platform of public administration.
  9. To address potential and current digital risks to employment, some developed countries are considering a wide range of experimental policy measures, ranging from universal wages to taxing robots and data centers.
  10. It should be emphasized that digitalization, coupled with evidence-based policies, can provide an opportunity to advance digital technologies, complementing socio-economic well-being.